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AOl Mail Customer Service & Phone Number

Introduced to AOL Mail customer service team that resolves all kinds of queries and addresses all the issues that come to them, therefore we decided to make it easier for you by providing all the information and support app information.

AOL Mail Customer Service Number

+1 800 103 1123

AOL Mail Customer Support

+1 800 827 6364

AOL Mail Support

AOL Support Number

+1 800-358-4860

Get Faster AOL Mail Customer Support

Welcome to AOL Customer Service! Quick info for a smooth experience:

Hold Time: Avg. 8 mins, current wait for 13 mins. Thanks for your patience!

Best Call Time: 8:15 am EST for minimal wait.

Common Issues:

  • Hacked Account
  • Recover Account
  • Reset Password
  • Cancel Account
  • Refund a Charge

Connect with Agents: Follow the prompts and our live agents will be ready to assist you promptly.

Prompt Upon Calling: Friendly greeting: “What can I help you with today?” Directing you to the right help ASAP.



Tips to get faster AOL Mail Customer Service

Getting support for AOL Mail involves accessing their customer support services through various channels. Here’s how you can get assistance:

  1. AOL Help Center:

    • Visit the AOL Help Center at
    • Browse through the categories or use the search bar to find relevant articles and solutions to common issues.
  2. AOL Support Forums:

    • Access the AOL Support Community at
    • Interact with other AOL users who might share solutions to similar problems.
  3. Live Chat Support:

    • Some AOL subscription plans offer live chat support. Sign in to your AOL account and navigate to the support options to check for live chat availability.
  4. Email Support:

    • Log in to your AOL account.
    • Visit the AOL Help site and look for the “Email Us” option.
    • Provide the necessary details and submit your inquiry.
  5. Phone Support:

    • Call AOL customer support at the phone number associated with your region. You can find the contact number on the AOL Help site or your AOL account.
  6. Visit AOL Customer Support Site:

    • Go to the official AOL customer support site at
    • Select the appropriate category for your issue and follow the prompts to get assistance.


Issues & Solutions of AOL Mail

  • How to AOL Mail login My account

   To access your AOL Mail Login My Account, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Web Browser: Launch the web browser of your choice on your computer or mobile device.
  2. Visit the Login to AOL Mail Page: Type or paste the following URL into the address bar and press Enter:
  3. Enter your AOL Username or Email: In the provided field on the login page, enter your AOL username or the full email address associated with your AOL account.
  4. Enter your Password: Below the username or email field, enter your AOL account password. Ensure that you enter it accurately, paying attention to uppercase and lowercase letters.
  5. Complete the Login Process: Click on the “Sign In” or “Log In” button to complete the login process

  1. Forgotten Password:

  • Issue: Users may have forgotten their AOL Mail password and require assistance in resetting it.
  • Solution: Assist in password recovery, which frequently entails sending a reset link to the user’s registered email address.
  1. Email Delivery Issues:

  • Issue: Users may encounter problems sending or receiving emails.
  • Solution: Troubleshoot email delivery issues, such as checking internet connectivity, double-checking email addresses, and looking at spam or filter settings.

     4. Concerns About Account Security:

  • Issue: Users may be concerned about the security of their AOL Mail accounts.
  • Solution: Educate users on account security best practices, such as setting two-factor authentication and routinely updating passwords.
  1. Unauthorized Access or Account Hacking:

  • Issue: Users may suspect unauthorized access to their AOL Mail accounts.
  • solution: Users should change their passwords immediately, verify their account security settings, and report any unusual activity.
  1. Missing Emails:

  • Issue: Users can report missing emails from their AOL Mail inbox.
  • Solution: Assist in the recovery of deleted emails, examine filters and settings, and educate users through the recovery process.


What is AOL Live Support Plus?

AOL mail support system has  a live support app system on their support website and thus you can easily resolve your issue from there as it is easy to access and quick to respond, but remember you can only access your live support app if you have a premium subscription.

Does AOL charge for support?

Yes, AOL support customer service charges a certain amount from you for the live chat option which is $9.99 per month, it usually has a 30 days trial that you can access on much less amount, for more information visit their support page.

Is There a 24/7 option for the Support?

Yes, AOL mail customer service is very strong and they provide a 24/7 support option but for some support you have to pay a certain amount before you decide to use them.

What is the limit for AOL Mail?

If the limit is up to 25 MB, you can send files with mail that do not exceed this limit, for more information like file type or file size contact customer service at the above-mentioned number.